Sunday 14 August 2011

Weekends Thoughts...

From the latest talk with Judy, and the weekend to come up with ideas, I've decided to further my idea of strength from surroundings or growth in strength. Looking at this as a theme for my building I looked at the famous evolution pictures.

I saw in these images a significant direction of height during the evolution process, as organisms climbed out of the water and eventually stood on two legs. I think this greatly shows how, not just humans but all organisms grow strength from their surroundings. Thus I wish to create a building that makes the person enter crawling or enter through a small entrance feeling small and weak, then when going through different rooms, growing in size, (different stages in the evolution process), the user is allowed more space and therefore I think feeling like they are growing or becoming stronger or more confident.


Initial Concept

The idea of crawling into my space is clear in this first concept. The person then passes through different sized room, therefore growing in size and strength, eventually standing vertically in the final space.

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