Wednesday 3 August 2011

Week 2 & 3: 'Waking Up'

In group 3, we got given the task of 'Waking Up' in an interesting spot in our site. This included us only being allowed drawing and brainstorming on a single A1 page which we had to take pictures of and eventually make a animation of our process and final design.

I came up with the idea that when you wake up the first thing you do is look up, iv always had an interest in the night sky and stars so I thought of the stars above and the amazing view at night. I picked a spot on top of the tallest building in our site, the uni lodge, which is 17 stories high. With this idea developing, i started thinking emotions, and came up with a few when at such a height. These included; isolation, cold and confusion, often when having a bad nights sleep you wake up and wonder where you are or what surrounds you. With this feeling in mind I started my project.


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